
What if...

What if god had a daughter...instead?

Work in progress

The maelstrom of panic swirls through her head.


Memory is the most joyful and destructive element of what we call the human experience.


Never let your arrogance fool you into believing your words and thoughts are right or relevant.


If you're the type who enjoys the sound of your own voice, caution yourself from being the only one in the room who speaks.



No 1s or 0s were harmed in the making of this sentence.


May 7/8. An unimaginably (beautiful) decadent experience.


Mother's Day

Happy arbitrary day to female mammals who produce appreciative and viable offspring day, gentlemen. Happy arbitrary day to female mammals who produce appreciative and viable offspring day.



May 4. Arthurs of Ophelia Productions (Inc.) 'officially' begins.



Her need to illustrate her importance is so invariably large...that were you to ask her something like 'how old were you when you first learned to tie your shoes?'

She'd stare right at you and answer with some such nonsense about having learned to tie her shoes (getting her dexterous and gifted start...in all shoe related matters) while simultaneously undergoing the rigorous ordeal of developing as a fetus.