
Romance V. Partnership

Romance is based on lies.
Partnership is based on truth....


Evil V. Man

Evil, however hard it may strive to, cannot become man; for man is far more sinister and resourceful....

Simply put, Evil's evolution has not reached that stage of development yet....



Shy away from the idea that you're the standard to which others should strive for....


Feminism and the Feminist

There is a notable difference between Feminism and a feminist.

Feminism is a doctrine that demands equality.
A feminist is a person (male or female) who interprets said doctrine.

Like a bible pastor, a feminist's interpretation might be flawed, but the doctrine is irrefutable.


The Nature of it....

The chip on your shoulder betrays your insecurities far more dramatically than your funny bone ever could.


The Problem with Geography

A chorus had been sung today--a few neighborhoods over and in a city or two to the north.



Achievement is not how much one acquires,
but how much one is willing to give away.


Reasons Against Intimidation

Intimidation works--because you have come to understand the limitations of your intellect. Because your want for power exceeds your understanding that you will never possess it--because others fear fueling your increasingly unnecessary aggressive behavior....


Reflections of a City

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And the Night is Going to Fall....

Remember: Your constant need to illustrate your power will always make you the weakest one in the room.


When in Rome...

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Do you know what an overly-smart and panicked child sounds like when he prays? He rationalizes, bargins, pleas, begs, hopes and expects. He sounds no different than a panicked 40 year old, just higher pitched and more hopeful.


Angst Und Verweigerung

Wenn ein Problem besteht, hat eine Person zwei Wahlen:
Angst. Verweigerung.


As the Company Left....

Six ways from Sunday and slightly to the left....
I awoke w/a start.


On the Right Track

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Nailed It!

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The attraction of alcohol is that it offers a being a
sense of enduring success w/ every minute momentary accomplishment.


I forgot where I met her. But I knew she was close.

Post Card

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Stating the Obvious

It is best not to argue with gravity.
She is far more skilled than any one of us.

The Problems with Pockets...

I had met a beguiling story today. Even placed it in my pocket to save it for later.

Like chocolate, though, these things never quite turn out....


She heard a sound thump and drop its way from the attic.

The fear of it pinned her.


Sure, she had the energy to staple the truth to his forehead...
Hell, she even tried once. Huffed and puffed too.

But it was her lack of intelligence to start the task w/ a nail...that was really her undoing.



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The Born Again

To advance his climb towards truth, the born again builds attractive ladders and scaffolds. Never realizing, however, that the material he has used is meant more to guide him sideways, rather than up.

Where it Happens...

I had met her in the cemetery, sunbathing.

Ode the most beautiful night of them all.




To That Certain Type of Man....

Had you the inclination to gather every bar-brawling antagonist the world had to offer...to placed them in a room with their respective vices (fists, fights, addictions, and the like).

You'd have an idea of the type of room my mother found fit to socialize in....


The Supposed Evidence of Ghosts & Ghouls

I am afforded little joy in the notion that people put more faith in the supernatural than in the fallibility of modern photography.


Fertilizer and Egg

A father is not a man...but an archetype that ought to be: first applauded, then surpassed.

A mother is not a woman...but the sermon that gives you the confidence to surpass the archetype....



In walks, stage left, the necessities of the conversation.
Stage right? The presence of mind to end it.


Imagination Running Amuck

By its very nature: a dark space cannot explain itself
(for the mind is far too busy speaking for it);
it has no room to get in a word edgewise...

Oddly Enough

It is found sometimes...in moments of panic, fear, and passion....
that the Rational often seems a supporter of the Imagination...
rather than (as it should be) its greatest competitor....

To Peculiar Men

I had been sitting here for no more than ten minutes when I was approached by two men asking for money.

The first: beardless and buoyant, bowed his head and offered a practiced speech--volunteered one too many thank yous and twice as many pleases.

The second, was not so much appreciative, as he was honest...simply scowled at the amount I had given him.

It is true, by night's end...at least three men were fed today.

Grooming to Appear Appealing

I had saved the life of a lie today by telling another. And when the second lie became breathless...I created a third...

So on and so forth.

It wasn't until the seventh lie that I realize:

what I had set out to do on this occasion still had not been done. That my hair's cowlick had still not settled...and that any lie to the contrary would by no means help the cause.

Awkward Moments

The burden was not so much walking into the room and seeing her in a blood soaked towel....It was more so seeing the shine of the knife my friend was holding....

Ode to those silly awkward silences...


Adam could not formulate a proper defense until long after his expulsion from the Garden (the appeal is not necessarily naivety, but a lack of knowledge and incompetence on the part of the attending counsel)....

From this and for no other reason, the powers that be ought to declare a mistrial!

The Grumpy Young Man

What had been described to me today (after all my regular business had been completed) lent little support to the reasons why I woke....

The Grumpy Old Man

I had opened my window this morning...not so much because I heard a bird chirping...But rather to give my boot better aim to stop any of that nonsense from continuing!

The Artist's Opening

Should it be discovered that the artist's work is meaningless...
One ought to remind him...that so too is his audience....



Feminism's detriment (its greatest enemy) is not chauvinism; it's other women....


Coming of Age...

The path, mistakenly believed to me the right one, was paved....

The Young Woman

I had noticed early on...that she'd often make odd and critical observations of the men who stood in front of her.

These criticisms weren't, by themselves, an indication of her naive youth; making a point to verbalize them, however, was....

Emotional Architecture

The pleasure should ought to be attending the picnic in front of his walls....Not the clumsy world that exists behind them.


In my one hand I carry an object: the want to have more in the other.

Shelves and Spaces

And there sat on her shelf two objects: her past; and any reasonable explanation of why she left it there...

Simply for the Novelty

Applaud the mistakes you have made...crisply and cleanly pat yourself on the back....

Given the constitution of the world...

Oddly enough, regret, fear, and guilt...will always outplay appreciation.


At the root of photography is vanity and remembrance....
In other words, evidence that you (once) exist(ed).



There is no beauty in always smiling....

I've Often Wondered...

Will there be 12 men in the room when I die? Or only two...or will it be a mirror?

If it's the first, I hope I ain't wearing the frilly underwear. If it's the second, I hope I hid my cash. If it's the third? I hope I don't sneeze.

The Walk Home

And it was in that moment when I finally and rudely realized what was preventing me from advancing the second step.

One can hardly be said to walk well when one is inebriated, less likely (doubly so) after one has plunged (nose first) into the solid oak floor.

Unification of the Senses

Unifying the head, the heart, and the genitals to admire the form bent before me is the process by which I realize I am made up of at least three--forever separate--essential organs.


Ultimately the social milieu in which you are born is as inconsequential as the location of said birth. Both lead to false identities and diminish--feverishly--one's eventual originality.


The shirt and tie gig...

I was about as comfortable as an over-zealous Hindu in a slaughter house...

A Year of Capitalism

There were a dozen changes in me that I saw coming; 12 more that I didn't...But it's the three (I haven't even mentioned) that continue to scared the shit out of me.

A Story About Quiche in Ten Minutes

Curtain opens: Act 1: Scene 1.

"I'm in the mood for quiche," she said...

"Well, I ain't so that's enough out of you...."


Curtain closes....


Another applause; another gift....

More often than not, I believe there exists in you (insert name here) an extremely high level of kindness and intelligence--both brought on by pain and natural wisdom--two characteristics that will forever exceed whatever superficial attraction you may possess....

The Goodness of Man

In my life:

I've ripped open my leg trying to climb a roof.

I've been hit by a car. After which I flew over said car and slid (unproductively) on the pavement fifteen feet.... I was lucky, though, for my motion was stopped by an awfully friendly curb--as it seems my head (skull) wasn't strong enough to beat concrete he took it upon himself to make sure nothing else 'bad' would happen...

I use to suffer fainting spells. As such, i've hit my head on the: floor, a bath tub, a bathroom door, a school fountain, the toilet and the pavement twice--twice!

I once jumped on my bed face first into a pillow...only to find out my mother bought me a cabbage patch kid and hid it under the blanket, just above said pillow...My nose (though more importantly, my self esteem) has been 'skewed' ever since.

I've done a lot of things and felt a lot of pain....
But nothing compares to my current inability to believe in the goodness of 'man.'

A quiet time...

It's so quiet in here you could hear a mute and shy mouse mime the alphabet...