
In all seriousness

You could make flannel pajamas look good...


Potts & Pans & a Year Gone By...

Indeed, the act gloried in itself like a new-born infant,
uncouth & silently prowling its great moon-lit stage.

Majestic & wanting more, it was like Vishnu bent down and gave me a hand-job.

Indeed, I even think, though I'm not entirely sure yet, that a freckle or two just clean fell of my ass! So shocked and impressed by the experience they were.

Thank you...And sweet dreams....




Her mind was like a child's flower, simply floating in the breeze..

November 2006

It was ten shades of suck. Is what it was...

Holes and Caves...

And the ladies are escaping the prison, gentlemen...

They're running mad, pail and soon caked w/ dirt...

And I, a witness to it, a few fences over & slightly to the left...

I merely applaud their show...


To me, one of the great problems of feminism is that it can cause otherwise intelligent and rational beings to become wanna-be fighters. It can cause some serious conflict in people because they're trying to follow a doctrine that they are not yet fully intuned with. It will make otherwise thoughtful people angry mongrels who jump at any possible gender based infirmary--even when the infirmary doesn't exist.


One of the greatest gifts a person could give another is an applause...

Concerning my twenty something dreams...

Pow pow pow to Calculus!
Kaaabluewweeey too, with a couple of rounds of semi-automatic machine gun fire...two grenades...and a FU for good measure!


You know, I often go out of my way to convince myself and others of their beauty.

With you, though...I simply wanted to show off that I was already able to see it.


Realizing you're a self-absorbed narcissist, does little for the ego...



Convincing yourself you're right says little about the truth of your conviction...


Concerning Masculinity

It's a role--not an extension of our biology....


Could I Have Been Anyone Other Than Me?

You know, with all the immoral and sinful activity in the world--what with all the gays, the drunks and the feminists...

I am still struck by one single idea....

We all--male or female--still have to put in eight hours of work a day....

Buddha Sun/Buddha Moon

Noun: Buddha Sun
\Booo da sun\

1.) a semi-affectionate term used to represent the positive, beneficial, effective and adept features of a person and/or situation

2.) a genderless distinction denoting the submissive nature of a male or female's momentary behavior and /or perception

Noun: Buddha Moon
\Booo da moon\

1.) a quasi-affectionate term applied to negative, risky, and immoral situations or moments

2.) a genderless distinction denoting the authoritative power of a male or female's momentary behavior or perception

Noun: Buddha Sun/Buddha Moon
\Boo da son\Boo da moon\

1.) a binary concept illustrating the dichotomized elements found within nature and civilized mores/customs

2.) the time within a 24 hour period where both the sun and moon are at equal distances from the horizon

3.) a genderless distinction illustrating the different, but balanced, characteristics at any given moment of a two-person relationship

Usage and History: The phrase Buddha Sun/Buddha Moon was first used by the 16th century Monk Xia Cho.

Originally the term was applied to the all encompassing idea of balance (i.e. the existing opposite, but equal in value, elements of any particular situation). As usage increased, however, the term became less broad and more psychologically specific to individuals within a partnership. Both today's usage and its predecessor are still common today.

Similar terms/concepts:
Night and Day/Tough Love/Yin and Yang/Good and Bad

Think About it.



A Fork in the Road

A fork in the road....

To my right? A monster

To my left? That monster's third second cousin twice removed...

I turn around and sigh...


Everyone's Gotta Little a Sunshine...

Dusty maidens, gladly grasp your violins...

Fathers? (tap, tap) forgive them as they begin their play....

Robes and Flunkies...

We bring so much of our own desire (and design) to a situation
that the truth of a moment hardly stands a chance at revealing itself...

I Like Fiction

I like fiction
& like everyone else
I long to believe the fiction
to be true

Just Like Him Tomorrow

Sir, come on...

There are two things you don't know about life:

1.) What I know...

2.) What you don't....

Assuming you know the fundamentals of the universe is your first mistake; thinking others should believe you? Your second.

Lose the ego and i'll stop peeing in your flower bed.



If Power is Lopsided...

Appealing to one's kindness when one is vulnerable never quite works out...


Would you Believe...

Believe me, if we spent half as much energy accepting people as we do in rejecting them, i'd have absolutely no reason to write this statement.

Oh...and, ummm, just so there's no confusion...yep, ummm, believe me when I also tell you...that ummm...

This Statement Just Isn't Worth it...

A Criticism to the Fool

And it's in those small areas where imbreeding is set to survive that I imagine you find a lovely place you've often called home....



You limit yourself w/ the assumption that your act is convincing...


21st Century Accolades ...

The great epic of he's reign will be written by a chimp, edited by a monkey and sold by a whore...


The detriment of life is that you can never truly withdrawal from it without first being motivated to close your eyes...


She's striving to make the flaccid man appreciative....

He's striving to convince her there's more to the evening than his penis...

Man's Down fall...

Man's down fall will not be war or disease...

but his inability to realize he is no more important than the person he is standing next to....


Their Jobs...

The responsibility of a writer is to convince an audience that a fictional emotion not only exists but should be felt...

The task of a musician is to forever recreate a once existing achievement...



Continual success can perpetuate a hidden addiction....


Fifth floor living without a yard....

He became a drunk to have something different to look at...

He stayed a drunk because he grew tired of the mirror....

The real issue...

Our problem should never have been with Bush...
But with the idea that now...now anyone can become the President....

By the Brook

So i'm Standing by a Crystal Brook...

To my left?
There's a fish who's talking to me in jibberish...

To my right?
There's a fisherman who wants nothing more than to feed his family....

After a moments pause...
I look at them both...

Both of 'em...
Straight eyed and narrow...

and then I sigh....


Where to Find it...

Beauty exists in the interplay of error and applause.

The Best of You....

To be truly knowledgeable makes one vulnerable to doubt....

Thank you, knowledge...

The Lesson Learned from a Myth

I saw Prometheus tonight...

And, Friend, did he ever look bad...

Real bad!

But, no, don't worry...

No, no, no....

I will see him again tomorrow...

I swear...!

And he'll be optimistic...healthy really...


Because this is the beauty of Prometheus....

(Kyle, this one was for you! To my eventual wife...honie, this one made me cry.)

The Thaw

More thought has been spawned by doubt...

Than it has ever been by confidence....

Like two Joined Strangers, the one an Impostor, the Other his Shadow...

So, come on, & Assemble yourself!
caress madly this chambers' echo -
this great caged perfumed meridian!
To propagate our need for life.
To glory in self like a new-born infant
uncouth & silently prowling its great moon-lit stage
Purging the calls of history! -giving life form.

(w/ancient Indian paint)
and stroking ourselves by the shade.
we'll give life form,
prowl, and chase....

The Perception of One' self.

The funny thing about perception is:
Regardless of the One you got
Someone always has another One for you.

The Cruelty of Death...

The cruelty of death is that it causes you to revamp your perceptions of someone you justifiably grew to hate...

We are creatures of habit; in this also lies the cruelty of death.

(Docket # 1929848 Reality V. Dream)

In a dream you float beside a beautiful, vague, and an aesthetically pleasing ass.

In reality, you're confronted by two hairy moles--inches shy of her
crack--a birthmark dark and menacing...
and something else, something wholly unwanted--a smell, it seems, warning you of once consumed food...

The future is quite like the former, the present too much like the latter.


I wish there was some moral or didactic quality to
this work, for no other reason than to put a
conventional wind to my sails, to stop a
free-drift to literary oblivion; but like a typical
atheist who, before his slaughter, will no doubt
seek the aid of God, I too, despite contrary
conviction, am forever destined to wordy, generally
incoherent and long-winded canvasses of

Winter Spies

We were sipping the hot ashes of a dream (upon a sofa)
when all the sudden a shard of hair stained my eye.
The act--the only of its kind--caught the glare of a nearby fly
from here a majestic excitement unfolds
one of us parts...


The good and the bad of it is this: her attraction/repulsion for the person you are, will have more to do w/ her than it will ever have with you.

Arbitary Values A=1, B=2, C=3,... A Scoff on Poetic Theory and Metre

Poetry should never have been written by numbers.
For painting by numbers is left to children.
Nay, poetry should pluck nature's possibilities
not restrict itself to repetitive,
overused mathematical feet and equations.

For the success of this art is nothing
more than a mask of literary achievement,
a false artistry and a basic contradiction
to the idea that art and mathematics are
separate disciplines.

If art is to progress: Gentlemen,

16, 12, 5, 1, 19, 5 + 12, 5, 20,' 19 + 6, 15, 18, 7, 5, 20 + 20, 8, 5 + 2, 15, 25, + 20, 8, 1, 20, + 12, 5, 20, + 20, 8, 5 + 6, 15, 18, 13 + 18, 21, 12, 5 + 8, 9, 1 9 + 8, 1, 14, 4

1, 14, 4, + 6, 15, 18, 7, 5, 20 + 20, 8, 5 + 13, 5, 14 + 23, 8, 15 + 7, 1, 22, 5 + 20, 8, 5 + 2, 15, 25 + 20, 8, 5, + 6, 15, 18, 13


1, 14, 4 + 19, 5, 20 + "9" + 10, 1, 13, 5, 19 + 6, 18, 5, 5

Positive Thought Thursday--The Film Edition

Dear (X)

Dear School:
Well that certainly was a nice round of sodomy. Thank you...

Thank you, kindly,
Sincerely yours,

To give life form

To Give Life Form

To give life form:
We'll stand like smitten children building castles out of forts.

We'll stand knee-deep in the fluttering air
To watch the meager remnants of our naive youth,
dance themselves outside the bedroom door.

We'll stand by ancient rebels,
engaged in triumphs.
We'll dance
And reign.

(w/ancient Indian paint)
and stroking ourselves by the shade.
we'll give life form,
prowl, and chase.

Let us live, Ophelia.
Not like a weary stifled witness
but like a mad starving child
wildly biking our streemers
through the city streets

So then, when all is quiet,
When all the day's fever dies,
and the blind majesty of our excitement unfolds
you will look at me and speak of your day
like you did yesterday.

burning beneath the
ambers of our
freedom fire...
let us give life-form.