
To give life form

To Give Life Form

To give life form:
We'll stand like smitten children building castles out of forts.

We'll stand knee-deep in the fluttering air
To watch the meager remnants of our naive youth,
dance themselves outside the bedroom door.

We'll stand by ancient rebels,
engaged in triumphs.
We'll dance
And reign.

(w/ancient Indian paint)
and stroking ourselves by the shade.
we'll give life form,
prowl, and chase.

Let us live, Ophelia.
Not like a weary stifled witness
but like a mad starving child
wildly biking our streemers
through the city streets

So then, when all is quiet,
When all the day's fever dies,
and the blind majesty of our excitement unfolds
you will look at me and speak of your day
like you did yesterday.

burning beneath the
ambers of our
freedom fire...
let us give life-form.

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