
The difference between Music and Love:

With music you have individuals collaborating--using talent to create a third entity.

With love, you've got two schmoes merely running into each other.

If music has taught me anything, it's that love falls short of being truly beautiful.


  1. Anonymous7/12/2007

    love is a third entity as music is. you have to nurture it. heal it. rejoice with it. learn the spots where it really moves you. keep listening to the record after it made you cry.

    the beautiful thing is giving it life...just like instruments are not alive when there is no one to play them.

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  3. St. James YOU were created perfect. In the likeness of a flawless Instrument. Should YOUR harmony with Love be out of synch it is due to your careless disregard for self. Gentle hands need to loosed your strings so your chords can be played as intended. No matter how complex a piece you THINK you are there are no new notes to discover in Love or Music. You will not only be painted but played by me and your music ALONE will make the Angels cry...

    Music was created by man, Love by God...I weep for you that you know no different.
